Thursday, November 29, 2012

Create weblogic domain for production environment

Fromlast post now its next step, to create a weblogic server domain. We can do this process through commands in Unix based operating system and in windows. Here I will use the domain creation wizard to create the domain.

Go to start menu → weblogic → weblogic server 11g r1 → tools → Configuration wizard.

On clicking configuration wizard will start it will ask for creation of weblogic domain or extend a already created weblogic domain. Select create a new weblogic domain and click next.

Next screen is to select product which your weblogic server will support . As weblogic server domain will be used for ADF application deployment so select Oracle JRF . 

Now give your domain name and location of domain. Click next.

Assign Username password for weblogic administration. 

Now select production mode for domain. This will set server for production environment. Select java sdk which already installed with weblogic server. Click next.

Check for optional configuration. Select admin server, managed server and deployments and services.

Configure admin server, select listen address and port on which server will run.

Create a new managed server, assign listen address and port for managed server. Port shoul be different from managed server's port. Creation of managed server can be done after domain creation from weblogic server console.

Skip cluster configuration. 

Create machine for admin and managed server give node manger listen address and port. Node manager is used to start server remotely. Node manager can be installed as a windows service. I will show that later.

Assign machine to both admin and managed server by moving them to right part of shuttle. Go to next step.

This step shows libraries and applications which will be deployed on admin and managed server. 

Select managed server o left side, now select library on the right side. These libraries are of supported technology here ADF libraries are included. 

Skip next step.

Next step shows configuration summary. 

Now configuration is complete.

Now start weblogic server from weblogic home /user_projects/domains/<Domain Name>/bin/startWebLogic.cmd . After running cmd file it will ask for username password 

After authentication server will start after few seconds . 

Admin server of this new domain now running , you can open server console in web browser at the address you have given at the time of domain creation. In production mode applications are deployed on managed server so next is to start managed server. In weblogic domain console all things are done through admin. To start managed server open cmd in windows. Go to bin location inside created domain.

Type startManagedWeblogic.cmd <managed server name> http://<admin serevr listen address: port> 

After few seconds managed server will run.

You can see server status in weblogic admin console. Go to environment → servers.

Now domain is ready for deployment. In next post I will show how to deploy an application on Managed server.  

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